Just a card

I’ve joined the @Justacard community who come together to support and provide resources for artists, small business owners and independent sellers. It can be very daunting thinking about marketing yourself and your wares when you work on your own! What should...

Getting out and about again…

Two gallery visits… Portrait gallery, Edinburgh Alison Watt: A Portrait Without Likeness at the Portrait gallery – on until the 9th January 22 I visited this after seeing a video discussion with Alison Watt, she is new to me as an artist, but I was...

SSA Presentation – 4x4x4

Online presentations from the Society of Scottish Artists   29th March – 30 April 2021   I am delighted to have been included in Society of Scottish Artists 4x4x4 Lothian video. These are rapid-fire presentations from 4 artists, discussing 4 pieces of...