by mariannehazlewood | Dec 1, 2020 | Previous Exhibitions
I initially worked on two pieces for the On a Small Scale exhibition at the Open Eye Gallery in Edinburgh, and then added another one in their update, this is an online exhibition (for the first time) and all the works available are viewable online. Selected artists...
by mariannehazlewood | Dec 1, 2020 | News
I am super chuffed to be Artist of the Month in the November edition of Herbology News Herbology News is a new online publication, a free-to-subscribe zine celebrating therapeutic engagement with plants! This edition of the zine is “The Energy Issue”. As...
by mariannehazlewood | Dec 1, 2020 | Previous Exhibitions
I am super chuffed to have 3 of my screenprints selected for inclusion in FLOW the VAS first online winter show. From Visual Arts Scotland: “In place of our usual annual show, sadly cancelled due to the pandemic, we wanted to bring our members’ talents...
by mariannehazlewood | Dec 1, 2020 | Previous Exhibitions
I am delighted to have a piece of work selected for inclusion in the popular SSA 30 x 30 Online Edition, which is viewable in the SSA’s online viewing rooms. The exhibition comprises pieces from Scottish Society of Artists Members and features a broad range of...
by mariannehazlewood | Oct 13, 2020 | Previous Exhibitions
I am delighted to have a piece of work selected for inclusion in the RBGE Florilegium. The RBGE Florilegium was created to produce a visual record of the garden’s Living Collection and to reflect its scientific and horticultural interests. This new work and...