by mariannehazlewood | Feb 8, 2018 | Thoughts & process
I’ve just come back from the SSA & VAS TOGETHER show (Society Of Scottish Artists and Visual Arts Society), at the RSA Buildings on the mound which also has the Winter Flowers exhibition and Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour! So much to...
by mariannehazlewood | Jan 29, 2018 | Thoughts & process
I wondered about adding a post now and then which isn’t exactly news but lists a few of the botanical art thingys that I have been thinking about… I’ve been painting again after my post diploma r&r requirement. I am finishing up on my diploma...
by mariannehazlewood | Jan 26, 2018 | News
A belated Happy New Year to everyone! I have two exhibitions lined up for 2018 so far. The first is the very exciting worldwide Day of Botanical Art, aiming to raise the profile of botanical art, artists, institutions and organisations around the world. The second, I...
by mariannehazlewood | Dec 15, 2017 | News
April & May 2018 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Further details in location and times to come… A worldwide Day of Botanical Art will be held on May 18, 2018 Botanical Art Worldwide is an international collaboration of botanical artists, organisations, and...
by mariannehazlewood | Dec 7, 2017 | News
During the recent ESBA show, Roger Hyam of the RBGE, interviewed me for his Blog & Podcast Botanic Stories, about botanical illustration. The interview is about 12 mins, and if you want to hear my dulcet tones (I challenge Henry Higgens to place me!) then you can...