Arisaema intermedium ink shoots Japanese ink paste on Lambeth cartridge
Arisaema intermedium ink shoots Japanese ink paste on Lambeth cartridge - detail
Arisaema intermedium ink shoots Japanese ink paste on Lambeth cartridge - detail

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Arisaema intermedium ink shoots

Japanese ink paste on Lambeth cartridge, framed in Oak

A3, float mounted and framed to 52cm x 40cm


An original pen and ink illustration of Arisaema intermedium.

Botanical details

Common name: Blume’s Cobra Lily Section Arisaema Type: A. speciosum (Wall.) Mart. ex Schott

A. intermedium is distinctive by its velvety dull green leaves, it has a green infloresence with white stripes and veins appearing below the foliage. The spathe limb is typically longer than the spathe tube and tapers like an arrow.

Deciduous, to 60cm tall and wide, distribution through NW India, NE India and Nepal, preferring forests at high altitude, 2700 – 3700m. Flowering period May to June, ripening September to October.

“The Genus Arisaema, A Monograph for Botanist and Nature Lovers“, Guy and Liliane Gusman, 2006, A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. “Himalayan Cobra-lilies (Arisaema) Their Botany and Culture”, Udai C. Pradhan, 1990, Primulaceae Books, Himalayan Plant Journal, Kalimpong-734301, Darjeeling, Gorka Hill Council, West Bengal, India.

© Marianne Hazlewood