I’ve just come back from the SSA & VAS TOGETHER show (Society Of Scottish Artists and Visual Arts Society), at the RSA Buildings on the mound which also has the Winter Flowers exhibition and Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour! So much to digest.
I went principally to see the Winter Flowers exhibition, but was in fact captured by the SSA & VAS Open 2018 exhibition. There was such a diverse range of art, a lot of which captured my imagination.
In particular the joyfull but savage Yeti II by Jorg Obergfell, Observer Cinema by Sven Werner, and Concretion by William Braithwaite, I loved this and made myself dizzy following the stairs up to the summits! Also Kasey Hou’s Repairable Flatpack Toaster, Calum Wallis 02.12 Multiples which depicts a rockface and stony landscape in multiple toned stone lithograph prints and Jean Oberlanders knits, Trails and Cocoon.
I’ve been looking at exhibiting and competition options are there are so many, it is slightly overwhelming, what to do, which to enter? There are a wealth of possibilities…
In the meantime, I’ve been continuing working on my Arisaema diploma paintings, and finishing off a few small pieces, see Sorbus and pomegranate below, and planning the next few months…
I’ve been listening to “Artemis” by Andy Weir, and “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, and “So Anyway”…by John Cleese (-_-)